Alternatives to Guardianship

November 30, 2022

When a person turns 18 they get to make their own decisions. But, sometimes a person has difficulty making decisions. They may have a hard time saying what they want to do. A family member may want to ask a court to appoint a guardian to make decisions for the student with a disability.

Before asking for a guardian, it is important to consider other options. Guardianship is a significant loss of freedom. It limits or denies a person the right to make their own decisions. Once guardianship is put in place it can only be removed by a court order. The law requires that alternatives to guardianship be considered before asking a court to appoint a guardian.

This GMSA video includes options to think about when considering guardianship. It describes ways to provide a person with the support they need and avoid using guardianship. It is presented by Taylor Terry. She completed a training program teaching youth about their rights and how to make decisions for themselves. Youth Ambassadors study with The Center on Youth Voice, Youth Choice a national youth resource center on alternatives to guardianship.


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